Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another day another dollar...

Made it through another wild and crazy week out here. Deadlines and random questions and training classes... Just when I thought I was getting a handle on things it bumped up another notch out here. Oh and it just keeps getting hotter. The humidity stays up and the heat just keeps climbing. I don't know what I have planned for tomorrow(obviously not much). That's ok I need a break from the craziness anyway.

Miss you guys lots.


fish said...

Hello JR,
It has been very hot here the last couple of days. We have even had some very high humididty that it is not fit for man or beast. Our cattle are standing with their tongues hanging out. Not much we can do but hope the weather changes to some cooler temps. We are trying to get the wheat out of the fields but it is taking a longer time since the weather isn't cooperating. I wish it would rain and get it over with but than again it would probably hail and finish our wheat harvest! I guess I'll take the weather the way it is as our wheat crop should be a very good money maker for us this year. I can't imagine your heat where you are at but Iknow I wouldn't like it. We are hoping to get to Denver in August but I don't know when that will be it would be nice to get away from here and not have to do anything but relax. Take care of yourself. Jim and I just want you to know that we do think of you quite often.
Jim and Max

JR said...

Today was a nice day. 110, fairly gusty wind, and only 18% humidity. The wind helps keep the humidity down(especially around the site). The only problem is it kicks the dust up.

fish said...

Happy Birthday a day late! I couldn't believe that I forgot to mention that in me space to you. I am sorry as Jim and I had discussed it being your birthday before I ever wrote to you. We hope you had a great day!
Jim and Max

The Germinal Librarian said...

The weather here has cooled to a more moderate 80 something most days. After the many days straight in July, it feels almost cool.