Sunday, July 13, 2008

I looked out my window this morning...

... and saw grey instead of tan. It was confusing. Mornings here are usually one of two colors: Blue(sometimes) and Tan/Yellowish(most days). I haven't talked much about the weather because mostly it's pretty predicatble. Hot, humid, slightly breezy. So far it's been about 50/50 between dusty/clear days. This morning when I looked at the window and saw gray light I had to look outside and figure out what was going on(the windows were all covered in condensation). What I saw... wasn't much of anything... fog had descended on the sleepy community of Al Khor. This was the good stuff(or bad if you prefer). Visibility was about 20 yards. Of course once the sun started beating down it cleared out in a hurry. The temperatures aren't really as bad as they could be but we're just now coming to the hottest part of the year. We average probably somwhere between 110 and 115 around here.

When the humidity is relatively high here stepping outside usually fogs my glasses up a little. Today stepping from the dry air conditioned trailers out into the world makes it impossible to see out my glasses within seconds. Very obnoxious.

In other news I have an official itinerary for my rotation home: August 26 - September 4. It's gonna be a hell of a flight home... I leave here at 1AM and arrive in Denver at 4 pm(big asterisk here for assuming that everything goes like the flights are supposed to). I guess that means I'll see you guys soon.

I miss you all lots.

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