Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It was a balmy 110 yesterday and the humidity finally dropped back below 50%. It's good thing we're mostly working inside right now so we can at least escape the humidity(until the window shaker craps out). You know it's hot outside when you step outside and your glasses fog up instantly. It's not like they just get a little cloudy either. You can't see until they warm back up. I'm not looking for to loop checks...

Oh and to go with the heat shopping gets to be somewhat miserable. Lots of little shops are crammed with people(most of whom don't wear deodorant or bathe regularly). There's a definite funk in the air in those places. Not pleasant.

The malls are pretty cool though. Huge beyond belief. I'll do a picture update with some of the stuff I've seen in the malls. Seriously though, space-wise the malls are immense. You could easily get three or four floors into some of these places and could land large airplanes in some of the halls. The sad part is that most of these places don't have many shops. Imagine Park Meadows with a quarter of the number of shops. And an eighth of the parking. You can just tell that most of this stuff was designed for show and not function. Of course I've also never been to a mall where your "food court" consisted of a series of really fancy restaurants(TGI Fridays and Macaroni Grill being the lower end of the spectrum there). It's just nuts...

Still miss you guys.


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