Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm getting used to it now...

I'll make this a short one. We had a flat tire the other day and when we went to change it, we found out that the spare was flat as well. We sat around the villa for an extra hour and a half. It was nice. Now if only I could get my license.

Everything else is going pretty well. I'm definitely starting to get the routine of the place. On Friday we went to the mall just to see what was out there. It reminded me of the big mall in Houston(whose name escapes me at the moment) except for the giant ice rink in the center(which is pretty cool(er... no pun intended...). I'll definitely be out there sometime after I get my license.

I definitely still miss you all.

PS: Zach, I don't care how many fans you have in Rock Band. Once I get back I'll fix that.


Boojum said...

Uh-huh. And if wishes were wings, frogs wouldn't BUMP THEIR ASSES when they HOPPED.

fish said...

I am just wondering about how you are getting along now. I haven't seen anything new on your site for a while. I am not very good about sending news but I love reading your comments about work. Jim and Dustin are trying to put up hay and it rains just about every day. They are getting very tired of the rain. It could always be worse and we could have been hailed out or even had a tornado go through as has happened in other parts of our state. We are just getting done with our planting as the weather hasn't cooperated with that either but we can only do what we can and we need to learn to relax and enjoy things as they come. I think you are finding that out. Worrying doesn't get you anywhere and a lot of times it makes things worse because you aren't concentrating on what you should be thinking about.
It was great to see your family in Nebraska even though we were there for a funeral. Michelle is a very special little girl that I could bring home with me and just keep. I can see where she captures your heart in many ways and just keeps you coming back for more.
Take care of yourself and keep us updated.

Jim and Max

JR said...

Things are going pretty well. Here in the next day or so I should have a picture update and significantly long blog post up.