Thursday, June 05, 2008

En Shala

I'm spelling that phonetically because I have no idea how to spell it in Arabic. Basically it means "If God wills it." It's typically used in a "There's nothing I can do now but wait" fashion. It's very appropriate for how I'm feeling about work right now. Within a two day span I managed to create and then avert my first major catastrophe here(I'm not exaggerating either. It would have been a serious problem if it had gone undetected). I guess technically I didn't create it. I was just the messenger, but that didn't stop me from take the brunt of the shouting and scrutiny. Let me tell you it is a very different experience when you make a mistake in the office vs when you make one during work out in the field. Let's just say I had people very high up in the company very interested in the details of my job and how I was doing it. It's a very uncomfortable situation. Lessons learned and time to move on.

It's Friday. Friday is basically Sunday here and it's our only day off. I may or may not go into Doha today. Unfortunately with the way work's been going I haven't had any time to take more pictures. I can't wait till I get my driver's license so I can go out and explore a bit on my own(with my camera for sure).

The temperature since I arrived has averaged about 115-116. What's surprised me though is how comfortable I've felt with it even getting off the plane. Of course the last few days the wind has kicked up some pretty fierce sandstorms. It was cool though watching the sand snake across the road just like powdery snow. Of course the difference here was that the temperature was much higher and I was driving through a desert with Arabic music blasting on the radio... Definitely reminded me that I'm not home right now. The other big thing that reminds me that I'm not in Colorado anymore is the tan colored skies in the morning... or any time the wind is blowing... No blue to be seen. Eerie.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

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