Sunday, June 01, 2008

Major picture update

Here are some shots of the area around the villa.

And some inside shots

This is my room. It's definitely big enough.

This is the staircase leading up to my room. My room is on the third floor of the building(which you can't see from the shots I posted yesterday.

Here is the dining room. To the right in this shot is the front door.

This is the living room. Those chairs are insanely comfortable.

And this is our cat... she stays outside. I can't recall her name at the moment.

Up next: some outdoor shots.


jonathan said...

First... And it looks like a pretty nice place. Glad that Turkish food has made your shortlist of approved food. Keep the pictures coming. I will try to keep my blog updated too so you know what's going on back here.

Kelli said...
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Kelli said...

Hey bro-
What is happenin? Did you read my book yet? You know your mother would be embarrased if you posted pictures of your unmade bed on your blog.... No but seriously if everyhting else goes wrong in the world at least there are comfy chairs!
Love Ya

Dad said...

Hey Bud,
It looks as stark as I remembered.
It also looks hot, what are the temps there?
Be careful with the cat, they belaieve its uncle Haseem or something.....

JR said...

Yesterday was the hottest day so far It hit 116 in the afternoon. So far the evenings have been relatively cool down to the high 80s...

fish said...

It sounds like you are having quite an exciting experiece. I will be thinking about you often. This place looks like something only in the movies. Have fun and please be safe. Max

Unknown said...

Hey Jr! Hope you remember your cuz it has been a while! Things going good? Looks like a beautiful place! Please keep in touch and take care of yourself!
Holly,Randy & Kids