Saturday, August 02, 2008

23 days is too long...

I wish I was on my way home... of course I also hosed myself by taking my leave a week later than I should have. So in case you hadn't guessed things are still very crazy around here, and getting crazier all the time. The amount of responsibilities they're asking me to take on is growing. That's a good thing(usually), but it means I don't get a lot of time to do much but work and sleep(the reason I haven't been putting much in here).

I miss you all lots... Just 23 more days...


The Germinal Librarian said...

Sleep is good.

I see you are counting the days.

The office is still here and for any changes, much remains the same.

Kelli said...

Are you ever going to post a new blog?

Dad said...

Hey Bud is it hotter than hell yet? Or are you going to hell to cool off?
Dad made a funny.

Dad said...

Hey I meant to ask, have you had the chicken fish yet?
You'll know it when you try it, you can't tell if its chicken or fish.......I think they called it baked king fish